We may be aware of the immense variety of jobs when we consider a career. We cannot just choose any job that we like. To get hired, we need to fulfill some requirements, even for an unskilled job. For skilled work, requirements are even more difficult. The thing that must concerned first of all, we must have mastered the specific skills that come with a particular job. For example to be a good secretary, one needs to be organized, can fast typing, and have skill or fluent in English language. For other kinds of work, an educational background may be an important point for consideration. To be accepted as a Financial Analysist Manager, one needs to have a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in Finance or Accounting field. As usually, many job advertisements also mention certain positive personality and work experience as requirements. Positive personality such as dependable, responsible, honest, hard working and any others.

Educational background is very important. However, the ascension to get better position is is given grounded on college degrees. With industrial, technological, economic, scientific, work responsibility have become more demanding so that a college background is now prefer for occupations that have job training that was sufficient in the past. For instance, degrees of nursing, secretary, and accounting are available now. Applicants who have college degrees in these field are given priority over those who have simply undergone an intensive training.

Besides educational background, experience is second thing important. Nowadays, many employers are seeking only experienced applicants to join their company. Many of them believe that experienced workers are more skillful than who have never worked before or have just graduated from school or university. Moreover, experienced workers are usually more productive. However, there are employers who do not list experience in their requirements. They prefer intelligent people with good educational backgrounds.

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